The “Personal Planning in Sales” module looks at what is needed to achieve and exceed personal and imposed goals.

  • Analysis of customers and their expectations
  • Analysis of the sales funnel
  • Calculating the personal formula for success
  • Preparing a personal action plan
  • Linking goal-setting, planning, implementing and monitoring
  • Components of exceeding targets

About this Training

It is our conviction that a goal without a plan is not an actual goal but simply a wish. If the activities that lead to meeting the target are not planned, the last few days of the month become a combination of chaos and stress.

Our concept of planning consists of possibly the most adequate breaking down of subgoals and setting time parameters. We believe that terms such as sales funnel and pipeline are outdated and that the key to effective planning lays in the proper prioritizing and right distribution of efforts, market segmentation and being “smart” instead of just working hard.

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